Monday, December 3, 2007

Traditional Weddings in China

Every country has its own culture, including weddings. The wedding in China is quite different from the western wedding in U.S.
Now, I'm gonna introduce the traditional weddings in China.

The traditional wedding should be held in the evening. And a bridgegroom and a bride should wear traditional clothes. A bride will dress up and make up, which seems like that day is the most beautiful day of her's. The bride should wait for her bridgefroom in their room with head scarf. They cannot meet each other before going to bed. And at this time, the bridgegroom will drink and get the blessing from their friends. After this, the bridgegroom and bride will have arm-cross toast and say something to each other.

This is a general description of the traditional wedding in Chia

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Appositive clause

Appositive clause can be divided into two parts, restrictive appositive clause and non-restrictive appositive clause. The function of appositive clause is to explain the noun further, which means that make reader or listener more clear about the noun writter or speaker expresses.

Here the examples of restrictive appositive clause:
1. My father Guan Ping has told me that you get out what you put in.
2. My favourite movie is The Rock which was acted by the famous actor Nicolas Cage.

Here a example of non-restrictive appositive clause:
1. Niki's car, the red one in the parking, must be stolen by Derek.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Interesting thing about language

There are thousands kinds of language in the world. Everyone has its own feature. Since i came to Iowa City, I have studyed IIEp for 1 month with people who come from Japan, Korea, Spain and Turkey. The verb in sentence korean people always say is put at the last of statement. So Japanese does. The grammar of Chinese is similar to English.
Chinese, korean and Japan have some similar pronunciation of words, like it's almost same when we say library in our own language. Also noodles are nearly same too.

Monday, October 8, 2007


I don't have the most favourite sport. Instead of that, I like to play any interesting sports, except sports related to water. I am good at playing pool, table tennis and soccer. I remebered that when I had lived in dorm for a few days, my roommate just said" let's go and play pool in Mayflower." I thought it was a chance to exert my potential to the full play. So we went to there, and my roommate and I were in a same team to play with two native guys. When it came to my turn, I just hited 7 balls in. My roommate said" Oh my god! How can you do that ? Teach me. You are not a beginner."That two locative guys were superisesd and shocked. They could not believe that we won the game in a few minutes. I was proud of myself. That was awesome.

Trip in Chicago

There were five chinese guys and Alicia in our group. Our destination of the trip in Chicago was Art Institute of Chicago, which was the first place we visited in thsi big city. There were many works of art displaying in the Art of Institute, which were not only got from America, but also from other countries, such as China, Korea, and French. There were many paintings painted by French, which were hard for me to understand what they wanted to express. We felt so hungry during the visit in Art Institute. So we found where the train was by asking locative people and got to there as quick as we could. There was a terrible thing happening to our group. We missed the stop we wanted to get off owing to we didn't hear the boradcast. The volume of voice is too small. Fortunately, we ate chinese food at least. You might not imagine that it cost us 80 dollars. It was so expensive. I just thought how much you could earn in one day. Alicia tasted the moon cake. She thought it was awesome. We ate pizza for dinner, which Alicia said it was the must tasted food when you came to Chicago. It may not as delicious as pizza in Burge.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

The nature of universe asteroid

Universe is still a unknown area, which attract the interest of scientists. There is a story about origin of universe. Scientists believe that the universe was formed by big bang in 14 billion years ago. It exploded from the inside of the bubble to the current universe we see.

There are many planets in the universe. The distance between planets is not as far as you might imagine. And there is a black hole in the universe which is still a mystery, and can not be explained by the knowledge of universe we have known.
We should still work on the domian of universe continuously.

Monday, September 17, 2007

The first sentence in context...

S=simon J=jey

J: Hi, man. How's going ?
S: Fine. What the heck are you doing now?
J: Video game. It's one of my favourite.
S: Really? So do you know what the old D-battery-powered video games are?
J: Of course. I've been buying all these old D-battery-powered video games from the '80s.
S: That's cool.