Monday, December 1, 2008

Blog #7 An Improtant Person

Since growing up, i don't remember many people has influenced me, except my parents. However, there is a person always in my mind if you let say a improtant person who has impressed me in chinese history. His name is Laien Zhou. I can say every one in china deeply respect him, even though he is dead.

when I was about 8 or 9 years old, my teacher told us a story about him. On Jan 8 1976 when Laien Zhou was died, the United Nations'flag was raised to half-mast. Many people asked why Laien Zhou was the only person who the United Nations did for. Kurt Waldheim declared that the first reason was that he did not have savings in his account, and the second reason was that he did not have any child. Can you imagine that a national leader does not have a child? He did so many things that helped to improve living standards and development of economy.

If I get a chance to talk to him, I would like to ask him when you did these things for us, what did you think in your mind?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Blog 6

On November 4 2008, Obama has become to the first African-American president in the American history. It means that the previous time is over and a new time begins. No doubt, Obama is a black horse in the election when he decided and prepare to be the president in 2004. Obama may start working in the Oval Office with catcall. However, the ideas he came up with are brand-new, which may take the United States to another higher level.

From a street punk to the first African-American president, what did he do to make effort to change and to prove? He decided to repair past and start life again, so he went the university. Through this, he deeply knows what this kind of people really need and how to change their situation effectively. My mom always tells me that it is easier to be a bad person than a good person. He succeed at last due to his effort and belief.

To be a Chinese, I would like to pay more attention on the relationship between China and the United States and how Obama handles it. Obama has said that China should stop controlling the exchange rate and unsafe products imported from China should not be sold any more. This decision will lead to a big effect to the Chinese economy. Every one knows there was a conflict between Chinese government and Tibetan in 2008. People living in Tibet wanted to be independent. My friend told me that Obama supports Tibetan and people living in Taiwan. My response will be that it is none of your business.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Blog #5

Based on the traditional custom in China, the symbol for 1989 when i was born is a snake. People also call it a little dragon, because it follows the year of dragon. The characteristics for people born in the year of snake are that they are nice and keep their conscience and ambition all the time. If they just have 1% opportunity to succee. You will struggle and exert your potential to the full play to try it. Also I am a person pursuing the perfection.

I want to be a Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos). It is regarded as the most fierce animal in the sky. You may never see this kind of birds in any zoo. They look foward to be free. They would like to choose kill themselves instead of being keeped in cages. I want to have wings, so I can fly in the sky. Imagine that, if I have wings, I can go wherever you want and whenever you want. I am totally free. No one can limit my actions. To be the most fierce in the sky, no one can bully me. I want to try a totally different style of life. I may get different views on something after being a bird.

Also I want to be a Panda, which is the most precious treasure in China because China is the only place they grow up. I think it is so cute. It has two dark pouches. It is a a symbolic representation of kindness and honesty. I want to give a hand to those who are in danger or need help. I want to be a ice breaker between people in this current society.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Blog #4 The Road Not Taken

Imagine you encounter a situation like this, you are going to attend a ceremonious party held by people in the upper society, and you waver between two choices for which suit you should wear. When you go into the place for the party, you suddently think you should wear another one. Actually it is too late for a coming-out party to attract others' attention.

Take a look at this poem, I think the writer made a wrong choice due to "I shall be telling this with a sigh." At the begining, he looked down both ways. He chose one, but he changed for another day. No one knew if his choice was correct. He went so far as to doubt if he should step into this way. This situation is popular. Everyone may be involved into this situation, alter decision and keep going.

It is not a easy thing to do for choosing a road to go. Even though you can see the begining of it, you do not know how it will continue and alter, which actually depends on your behaviors and thoughts. For us, in the first 20 years of our life, choosing a university to go is a so important choice. I took a program called IB (International Baccalaureate) in my high school. Before coming to the U.S, I applied the universities in the U.S and U.K at the same time. The first acceptance of admission is the University of Edinburgh. After get the letter from the University of Iowa, My father asked me to go to the U.S. At that time, I really wanted to go to England. Finally, I chose to come to Iowa as following my father's thoughts. I never regret not to go to the University of Edinburgh, because I chose this way. What I need to do is to keep going and make the way more suitable for me.

The road should be adjusted for me!!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Blog #3: Personal Responsibility and the Environment

Finding a place or a country where is the most suitable for people to live, up to 50% people on the earth would like to chosse Canada or Australia to be the place to spend their rest of life after retiring. If you ask them why, they may answer that the air is fresh and the environment is gracious. Everyday you can see poeple who put "reduce the aggravated environmental problems" on the tip of their tongues, but actually some of them do nothing to heal the world. It is nonsense. Actions will demonstrate everything.

Even though environmental problems can not be cured thoroughly, what can we do to diminish the environmental pollution and balance the ecology, such as global warming, extinction of animals, and trash? The most efficient and easiest way is to do things around you. Giving up driving your own car, taking a bus instead, which can decrease the air pollution. Do not throw the used paper away, collect them, which is recyclable goods. We also should lessen felling trees, which can alleviate air quality turn a bad turn. Avoid using nonrecyclable plastic goods. The objective wiil never be reached only by our ability. At this time, the government should enact some related policies and laws to punish people who break the regulation.

When I was only 6 or 7 yeas old, because I always wasted food, my parents told me that how much food you wasted right now, how much you would eat when you were in the hell. Do you believe this ??

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Blog #2 A Hard Road or A Easy Road

Choosing a Hard Road or a Easy Road?

Being a student, choosing a hard road or a easy road in your study can definately determine what kinds of life or way you are going to survive in your future. Making a decision for the easy road is not so convenient as what you might imagine. Also for the hard word, it is not a dreadful hell that you might think, and the hard work does not mean success. Have you ever counted in one day how many hours you have wasted at loss ends? You may see some homeless beggers on the street, everyone knows the reason why they do this. In China, most parents use this example to educate their children and say "if you do not study hard, you will get into the sanme situation with them." Whatever, everyone has rights to decide what to choose. For me, I would like to choose the hard work. At this time, I make studying a matter of conscience through the hard work. The hard work gives me more pressure to push me ahead.

Before coming to the United States, I got the conditional acceptance and scholarship for the university of iowa. The condition is to take one year iowa intensive English program. When i came to here,I consoled myself with the reason that taking a year full-time English class can improve my difficent English. I attend the class on time every day, but i did not completed assignments teachers gave to me on the strain. At the beginning of the first semester, I got 517 on the practice TOEFL, so i thought after studying this semester, I could get the score higher than 530 which was the condition if I wanted to enter the university without taking more practice on the TOEFL test online. Unfortunately, the outcome did not occur as what i imagined Actually, the score was 527 which was so close. Two of my friends passed the test. At that time, i did really feel guilty, disappointment and regret. I sweared to myself that i would work harder to pass the English Program. Each week i compeled myself to remeber at least 100 new words and to do at least one practice TOEFL test. Keeping doing this for a whole semester for me really a hard work. Finally, I passed it and got 547. Now, i enter the university. There must be more difficuly for me to face, so working hard is necessary with the self-control.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Why is the writing improtant?...

Nowadays, in this modern society, you can see various types of writing pop up everywhere in your daily life, when reading newspaper, watching subtitles or advertisements, checking the e-mail and so on. You may not pay attention to these details, but it does not mean that writng counts for little.

What are the advantages of studying writing? Writing sometimes represents art, which is not basic meaning of the word. It expresses different levels of literature. If you just learn how to write words and put them toghter randomly, that can not be called writing, which has no sense. Considering English writing from my position, it helps me sharply improve my English a lot. Why don't you take a try on reading a book named "The Story of the Stone" which is one of the four most famous books in Chinese history to appreciate the great of literature.

How do we use good writing in our lives? Have you ever enountered a situation that you can not express your mood and emotion through speaking? At this time, writing will be your best choice and helper. Screaming and crying that are just ways of vent can not convey the thoughts deep in your heart, right? Also sometimes some people use dairy to write down their feelings. When you enter the university and your professor gives you an assignment to write an essay, how could you get a higher score? That depends on what and how good you write.

To sum up, for me, writing makes matter.